Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Calendar Connection - August

August has long been one of my favorite months (because I have an intense school supply fetish) but I've always felt like it was lacking in the holiday department. This month that ushers in the most blessed of seasons (because as far as I'm concerned fall starts promptly with the onset of the school year, blistering heat or not) doesn't have a staring holiday that seems befitting such as great month. However, as I have done more research I have found more holidays that we never celebrated when I was growing up (living in the bible belt with a minister for a father had its limitations in the holiday department). I have included some holidays in this Calendar Connection that you might not have heard of, but that will add increased diversity to your program planning.

August 1: Lughnasadh or Lammas: A Gaelic festival that marks the beginning of the harvest season
August 4: Campfire Day
August 5: National Friendship Day
August 5-11: International Clown Week
August 9: Book Lover's Day
August 18: National Honeybee Awareness Day
August 19: National Aviation Day
August 24: Vesuvius Day

What special events do you celebrate in your clubs to add fun into your programs? Let me know!

Calendar Connection - August

August has long been one of my favorite months (because I have an intense school supply fetish) but I've always felt like it was lack...