Friday, January 19, 2018

The 52 Club - Positive Reinforcement for Attendance

Around here I'm always looking for ways to encourage kids to come to the club and to do their very best in everything they do. Recently I found out about the 52 Club and we are jumping in full force.

Basically, the 52 Club is for kiddos who come to the club at least 52 times in the span of one year. Now for a lot of our kids, making the 52 Club is going to be super, super easy. Many of our kiddos are every day attenders and I'm so very happy that we've got a way to reward them as well.

We started the 52 Club program on January 2 and if we count 52 club days forward we end up on Friday, March 16. This means we'll have our first installment of 52 Club members the Friday before Spring Break. I think this works out perfectly because that gives us a chance to reward our kids for attendance right before Spring Break.

What kind of attendance rewards do you provide for your kids? Let me know!

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